Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy hike and another race

Circle of 12 is a multi that I've been staring at for a long time.

I'm onto #4 - but when I attempted it, millions of multi-legged flying bugs were swarming right on GZ. I left and haven't been back.

So, when I see CastleDwellers are working on it, it's finally the push I need to get this one. It's winter, the bugs should be gone.

I drove up, then hiked to the summit of a hill that overlooks east Carson. Easy walk up and a great view - and a quickly found cache. Yeah, I'm GLAD I didn't try for that last time, I would have been eaten alive!

the rest of the day was quiet, then evening struck. Yeah, same story. Course this time I was really late, and showed up an hour after everyone else. Oh well, got a DNF and a STF.

NevadaWolf posted a note for Circle of 12

NevadaWolf couldn't find A bogey for sure

NevadaWolf found I told you Dogleg Left

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