Saturday, December 20, 2008

Massive party

The GBES White Elephant and Farewell jahoadiandjohn Party!

Of course I had to go to the party. The last chance to see John, who has become such a prominent figure in our community, who through his sheer force of personality and passion for everything has inspired and energized an entire state? There was no way I was going to miss it!!

Nor, it seemed, was anyone else. For a party that typically averaged 30 people, this one overflowed into the main restuarant, easily exceeding 80 people and some where guessing 100. The place was PACKED!!!

Absolutely incredible and a ton of fun! The gifts went around, but there were so many that there was no way anyone was exchanging anything, it took too long simply to get them out. Then John's speech thanking everyone and giving his own farewell. Jodi was there as well and she ended up with tons of stories as she thanked all of us for keeping an eye on her wayward husband.

I saw a ton of friends and met many many more - the biggest surprise for me was when Char, CeeBeeNV, pulled me over to introduce me to someone I didn't know. He laughed and said he had the advantage cause I'm silly and post things like my picture on my profile page. So tonight's when I finally met Puzzleman, after chasing him around Carson for the recent FTF's.

Tonight was certainly memorable and I'm EXTREMELY glad that I was able to go.

NevadaWolf atteded GBES-I'm Dreaming of a White (Elephant) Christmas!

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